Sabtu, 26 November 2016

       Last weekends, my father and I went to traditional market in Pucang. That market not far from my house around five kilometers. We got there by motorcycle.

        About ten minutes, we arrived to the market. Then, we went to Mr. Kemal's shop. There, we bought many items such as instant noodle, coffee, milk, eggs, fried oil, soap, shampoo, detergent and so on. In order to remember everything, my mother had written all items in the shopping list before we got to the market. Then, I only gave it to the seller. In this shop, we had been waiting for a long time until the seller finished our items purchased. Then we contiued to the next shop behind Mr. Kemal's shop. We could find many kinds of snacks and toys here. I liked this shop because we were serviced quickly and the seller was cordial. It did not take a long time, the shopping was completed. 

        Next, my father and I went to Mrs. Rina's shop. My father bought cabbages, chili, celery and leeks. I was amazed because she counted the prices swiftly and accurately without calculator. After bought vegetables, we went to the other sides again to buy tofu. 

        Without realizing, apparently there were two medium boxes, a big box and many plastic bags of groceries. Because of that, we were confused how to manage they. Fortunately, the parking man helped us to organize the items. My father drove the motorcycle and I held the big box with my hands. After a half way, we went to shop across the street to buy perfume. Certainly, I had to go down and moved the big box but my father stayed on the motorcycle. A few minutes later, I should hold it again when I rode on the motorcycle. It made me felt tired. 

        Along the street, I laughed to myself and felt dizzy because in the crowded area I had to move the big box twice. Finally, I felt exhausted but I was very glad. Why? Yes, I could shopping.

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A girl from Magelang, Indonesia. Love so much with art. Expressing myself through picture, design and colour. You can also follow me on Instagram with the name @tikanovie21 for more everyday photos. Hope you enjoy!

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